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WCCA Beach Volleyball & Cherry pickup is held on July 5th.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛WCCA Beach Volleyball & Cherry pickup

Date: July 5, 2008 (The Best Day for Cherry Pickup)
Cherry Pickup: Cherry Avenue Farm
Address: 4303 Cherry Ave,
Lincoln ON

Beach Volleyball & Fishing : Lakeside park
Address: Port Dalhousies
St.Catharines ON

Detail Information for Beach Volleyball and Cherry Pickup
1. Drive by yourself, (or car pool with your friend), take your own risk;
2. Please prepare the enough food and drinks for you and your family;
3. If you want to go with us together, here are the Gathering time and place:
8:30 am in the Parking lot of Kitchener FutureShop (Beside COSTCO);
Or you can go by yourself;
4. Trip organization:
We have 2 groups:
 Group 1: lead by JianHua Fan, will drive to Cherry Avenue Farm to pickup the cherry first, and then will go to the Beach;
 Group 2: lead by Jun You will drive to the Beach directly, just for those who do not want the cherry pickup and can enjoy the Beach earlier;
Please find the map information below:
The direction to Cherry Avenue Farm:
Follow QEW to Niagara Falls, Take Exit 57 and then follow the direction shown on the map.

or click www.cherryavenuefarms.org to see Farm’s web site;

The direction to Beach:
Follow QEW to Niagara Falls, Take Exit 47 and then follow the direction shown on the map.
4. The activities at beach include: Volleyball, swimming, fishing, picnic, play card etc. Please bring your own stuffs.
5. Bring your Mobile Radio (Walkie- Talkie) if you have and adjust the frequency to 7.05, take the map with you all the time.

You are all welcome to join ! Hope we have a great trip !

If you have any questions, Please feel free to contact:
Jason (Jun You) at jason_junyou@hotmail.com or (519) 885-8829
JianHua Fan at canfanjh@yahoo.com or (519) 883-1359更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / WCCA Beach Volleyball & Cherry pickup is held on July 5th.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛WCCA Beach Volleyball & Cherry pickup

    Date: July 5, 2008 (The Best Day for Cherry Pickup)
    Cherry Pickup: Cherry Avenue Farm
    Address: 4303 Cherry Ave,
    Lincoln ON

    Beach Volleyball & Fishing : Lakeside park
    Address: Port Dalhousies
    St.Catharines ON

    Detail Information for Beach Volleyball and Cherry Pickup
    1. Drive by yourself, (or car pool with your friend), take your own risk;
    2. Please prepare the enough food and drinks for you and your family;
    3. If you want to go with us together, here are the Gathering time and place:
    8:30 am in the Parking lot of Kitchener FutureShop (Beside COSTCO);
    Or you can go by yourself;
    4. Trip organization:
    We have 2 groups:
     Group 1: lead by JianHua Fan, will drive to Cherry Avenue Farm to pickup the cherry first, and then will go to the Beach;
     Group 2: lead by Jun You will drive to the Beach directly, just for those who do not want the cherry pickup and can enjoy the Beach earlier;
    Please find the map information below:
    The direction to Cherry Avenue Farm:
    Follow QEW to Niagara Falls, Take Exit 57 and then follow the direction shown on the map.

    or click www.cherryavenuefarms.org to see Farm’s web site;

    The direction to Beach:
    Follow QEW to Niagara Falls, Take Exit 47 and then follow the direction shown on the map.
    4. The activities at beach include: Volleyball, swimming, fishing, picnic, play card etc. Please bring your own stuffs.
    5. Bring your Mobile Radio (Walkie- Talkie) if you have and adjust the frequency to 7.05, take the map with you all the time.

    You are all welcome to join ! Hope we have a great trip !

    If you have any questions, Please feel free to contact:
    Jason (Jun You) at jason_junyou@hotmail.com or (519) 885-8829
    JianHua Fan at canfanjh@yahoo.com or (519) 883-1359更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 太好啦!一定去。平时和朋友去Beach总凑不够人打球,去年和WCCA去了一次,排球打的很过瘾
      • 把摘的樱桃作为奖品吧!
        • Tong Yi.
    • 如何CARPOOL, 我的意思是要是不能自己开去,谁帮助找车呀?
      • You can send us your name and the number of persons, we will try to find some one to give you a ride.
      • starinsky,那个beach就是上次长周末咱们一帮人去的地方,这次你再去就能真正钓到鱼了 :)))
    • 真好,多谢组织这个活动,到时候一定去
    • 这么好玩的地方,我决不能放过. 除非孩子/大人生病,我们一家都去....盼望中....快祷告有个好天气吧....
      • 乌鸦嘴!
        • 嘿嘿...
    • 很想去,斗争中,好像很远的样子,带1岁的宝宝方便吗?有没有同样带1岁宝宝的家庭,需要打气。。。
      • 我我我,我们宝宝6个月都不到....
      • 我们米格5月18号去, 最小的孩子2个月不到. 要注意保护相机手机等物. 进了沙子很不好弄. 还有就是有平底鞋的也带上一双.
    • 听说他们的排球队队员们都已经缺胳膊短腿了。队长腿折了,教练摘愣膀子了,二传擅自离队。趁这个机会我们组织一个rolia KWGB排球队,当天羞辱他们一下。
      • 好恐怖呀....我还是打牌比较安全....
      • 大家说的挺高兴,怎么就出来个搅屎棍?既然你无礼在先,就别怪我说话难听;更正你一下:1队长腿没折,只是崴了脚;2教练膀子没事,只是摔了一下,受了点儿轻伤,早好了。3二传也没有离队(尽管还不知道二传是谁)。
        • 好啦好啦,人家显然也是在开玩笑逗趣儿嘛,何必当真。人老珠黄,不复当年勇,也是情理中事。后生可畏。有望沙滩上一展雄风,樱桃树下,喜见公子多情。
      • 不要老想着别人缺胳膊短腿,想别人点儿好,这叫积德。否则下次缺胳膊短腿的事就轮到你了。也别老想着羞辱别人,最后被羞辱的是自己。
        • 别生气, 他只不过夸张一下下....我常这样干....同情中....
        • 你好象很不服气,还不识逗。还是招了吧?那我问你为什么没人敢代理队长和教练?不服气咱们就那天见。看看你们队长是不是还是一瘸一拐的?(:-)
          • 有热闹看,我喜欢.....:)
            • 不嫌我打得差,我来做二传?
              • 咱不会打,当个三传不知可够格?
      • 别老拿我们这些残废开涮,行吗?嘻嘻。。
        • 小刺一下(:-),希望那天你也去当个裁判
      • 本队长受伤,有日子没来了,没想到坛子里这么热闹。本队长右脚受伤,昨天已经不瘸了,但今天又拐上了-把左脚又崴了;干脆,咱组织个残奥队吧;
        • 叫上你们那个歪手指头的、胳膊抬不起来的、还有那个他一发球,别人就可以休息了的那个。
    • 需要CARPOOL的人和能为其他人提供CARPOOL的人,请和我们联系。
    • 我们俩个人报名哦!!顺便也可以提供carpool,后排还能坐2个胖子或3个瘦子或1家3口